Hi Ruth, Thank you so much for a beautiful book. It was a pleasure to read and can hardly wait for the next book. I was a Cherry Bombe in NYC where I got your book and had the pleasure of seeing you in Santa Cruz for Save Me the Plums. Longggggg time fan and treasure all your books. I will be re-reading Paris so I can look up every single spot/restaurant so when I visit Paris again. You are a gem.
Hi Ruth, Thank you so much for a beautiful book. It was a pleasure to read and can hardly wait for the next book. I was a Cherry Bombe in NYC where I got your book and had the pleasure of seeing you in Santa Cruz for Save Me the Plums. Longggggg time fan and treasure all your books. I will be re-reading Paris so I can look up every single spot/restaurant so when I visit Paris again. You are a gem.
Hi Ruth, Thank you so much for a beautiful book. It was a pleasure to read and can hardly wait for the next book. I was a Cherry Bombe in NYC where I got your book and had the pleasure of seeing you in Santa Cruz for Save Me the Plums. Longggggg time fan and treasure all your books. I will be re-reading Paris so I can look up every single spot/restaurant so when I visit Paris again. You are a gem.