Did your friend Bill find a place? I'm going to SF in October and booked a room at The Beacon (formerly the Francis Drake). The Proper also looks very reasonable!

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He finally did. But something must be happening in SF in early September that has raised hotel prices to astronomic levels.

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It must be Dreamforce, the Salesforce conference! I remember they'd take over the whole city when I was living in SF.

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May 1984, I read your article and Wine spectator reviewed Masa's. We booked Vintage Court on our honeymoon, couldn't get reservation at Masa's but got on the wait list. After an afternoon of dim sum in SF and Alice Medrich's chocolate we got a call Masa's had an opening at 6pm. Stuffed as we were jumped at the chance. After a starter of seafood sausage threw my husband over the edge, he went up to our room as I finished the meal alone. I was entertained by a large group of people in town for the National Restaurant Association show. On the table were remarkable bottles and stacks of unfinished glasses of wine, notably a very old vintage Chateaux d'Yquem. My husband returned for dessert and needless to say missed a memorable meal. Actually after 39 years it is still one of our most memorable dining experiences!

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From the Chile Pepper Menu

Ethiopian Steak Tartare.....served with matzos.


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I spent last weekend in Hudson with my husband and 2 foodie friends. We had a great weekend. Hudson was charming. We stayed at the Nautical Nest which is a small, comfy self check- in hotel right off Warren St in a very convenient location. We had dinner at The Maker and Feast and Floret, breakfast at Talbots & Arding and Le Perche...all delicious! I bought cheese at Churchtown Dairy, sausage at Kinderhook farms and hard cider and jam at The Chatham Berry Farm. We also explored the town of Kinderhook and Art OMI. We spent several hours browsing the Antique Warehouse followed by a beer at the Hudson Brewing Co. It was the perfect midway stop on our trip between Philly and Lake Winnipesaukee. I can’t wait to go back, thanks for all of your suggestions.

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So glad you had a good time. (And happy to know about Nautical Nest.)

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Best meal of my life was at Compton Place in 1996. The chef was kind enough to respond to my food allergy requests by designing an entire meal for me! When I sang his praises and thanked him he said he liked it so much he was going to add it to the regular offerings. Such kindness and a stellar meal!

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I stayed @ Compton Place in the ‘80’s & love Bradley Ogden’s food! Also his first place in the yellow house. Perfect memories.🙌

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I forgot how much I love your writing.

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Thanks, love you.

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Not that I'd want to stay in any hotel in San Francisco these days, but your friend might want to look a little harder. There are plenty of one-night stays available, albeit pricey (not as much as he quoted) or he can book two nights for a much lower rate and abandon after one.

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Many thanks for including the case of Chef Masa Kobayashi’s murder in your newsletter. What a heartbreaking event!

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Campton Place

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Excellent. That menu looks great and jumping out at me is the brilliant combo of oysters with peppers. Perfection. The wonderful Spanish restaurant Compartir has a raw oyster with pepper mignonette that rocks.

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