Over the years, I've cultivated techniques for stealth fat reduction that don't greatly compromise flavor. Most meatball recipes, for instance, call for browning them in oil before putting them into a sauce. A quicker method that doesn't use oil and also renders some of the meat fat is to brown them briefly on a parchment-lined sheet pan…
Over the years, I've cultivated techniques for stealth fat reduction that don't greatly compromise flavor. Most meatball recipes, for instance, call for browning them in oil before putting them into a sauce. A quicker method that doesn't use oil and also renders some of the meat fat is to brown them briefly on a parchment-lined sheet pan in a hot oven and then to put them into the sauce. I do something similar with eggplant and potato slices for casseroles, lightly oiling them instead of saturating them as frying does.
Over the years, I've cultivated techniques for stealth fat reduction that don't greatly compromise flavor. Most meatball recipes, for instance, call for browning them in oil before putting them into a sauce. A quicker method that doesn't use oil and also renders some of the meat fat is to brown them briefly on a parchment-lined sheet pan in a hot oven and then to put them into the sauce. I do something similar with eggplant and potato slices for casseroles, lightly oiling them instead of saturating them as frying does.