Woke up early, snuggled into bed and reached for the nearest books on the table. First up, "A Place of Greater Safety," (I'm on a Hilary Mantel jag, and no wonder when she writes sentences like these. "I have tried to write a novel that gives the reader scope to change opinions, change sympathies: a book that one can think and live inside. The reader may ask how to tell fact from fiction. A rough guide: anything that seems particularly unlikely is probably true.")
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Rice Pudding
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Woke up early, snuggled into bed and reached for the nearest books on the table. First up, "A Place of Greater Safety," (I'm on a Hilary Mantel jag, and no wonder when she writes sentences like these. "I have tried to write a novel that gives the reader scope to change opinions, change sympathies: a book that one can think and live inside. The reader may ask how to tell fact from fiction. A rough guide: anything that seems particularly unlikely is probably true.")