Wow... Trillin, Spanish peppers, and the (in)famous Chinatown chicken—a trifecta!

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The first time I heard of The Chinatown Chicken was when somebody I did radio drama with in New York City (yes, radio drama—there was a resurgence of it in the Eighties that lasted until the turn of the Millennium) showed off his college video project—a lampoon of PBS Arts programming that, after a lengthy pledge drive-like buildup, led to the "Art" piece...location video of the Chinatown Chicken playing Tic-Tac-Toe!

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Oxo also has a cherry pitter that does six at a time. Cherry recipes more appealing with this time saver.

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That's what I was going to post about. I often do huge batches of sour cherry preserves, picking 15 pounds or more of cherries. I'd go crazy if I had to pit them one at a time. I have one that is the sam esign as the OXO, but is $7 cheaper. Works great! https://www.amazon.com/Remover-Portable-Kitchen-Cherries-1PC-Red/dp/B0CBV5H3WM/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=3JZ14UVKYJQM4&keywords=cherry+pitter+tool+multiple&qid=1689953259&sprefix=cherry+pitter%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

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I have and will read everything you and Calvin Trillin write! Thank you for sharing this! Wonderful!

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Every week, pure joy. Every newsletter. Every single one. Thank you.

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Wow, thank you for the mention! We use the Oxo cherry pitter too. May it give you many years of loyal service.

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Mr. Trillin's Maison de la Casa House preceded Ken's Mojo Dojo Casa House!

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Great read - busy getting ready for our family Hungarian bacon fry

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...thanks for the lovely reminisce of Trillin. But I feel letdown. Is there nowhere online to read the "Pepper Chase" ?

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I don't believe there is anywhere you can read it online. Unfortunately Conde Nast put all of gourmet.com on epicurious - and then epicurious took down everything but the recipes. It's a shame. But Bud republished the story in his collection called Feeding A Yen: https://www.amazon.com/Feeding-Yen-Savoring-Specialties-Kansas/dp/0375759964

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Thanks. Off to Powell's Books this afternoon. I am enjoying your substack. TTFN.

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Dear Ruth,

The rabbit hole of peppers and Mr Trillin delivered me to a Gourmet video , alas it does not play for me, in bed in Australia on Saturday morning.

Is there a way to these ?

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Sadly, Conde Nast seems to have taken down all the videos we did. I keep hoping they'll put them back up...

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what a shame - they could easily put ‘em on the you tube :)

thanks for the reply.

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I have ridiculous love for Calvin Trillin (never having met him), but I'm sure I'm not alone in that. I may have read his every published word.

I was sorry to see John Andrews go, so this is good news!

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I was recently introduced to an old tool for pitting cherries - a cast iron cherry pitter! A coworker picked on up at an auction and had to do a little research to figure out what the heck it was. I was totally smitten by the look of it. It has 4 curvy little legs, a spout like opening for your cherry, and a handle to push the pit through the cherry and out through a little funnel. If you Google 'cast iron cherry pitter' you will see plenty of photos. There are also some that attach to a table or workbench, but the legged version is much cuter! :)

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If that story was cut from your book, how come I remember it? So intimate and funny - and like a little poem...did you put it in a later book?

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I remember that story in Gourmet. I too will read anything by Calvin Trillin, a true original and a great writer. It looks like Bud and Nick had some good times.

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You, Calvin Trillin, and Mimi Sheraton are my favorite food writers.

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Excellent articles! So interesting.

And way to go Stephanie!!!

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Thank you!

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