So excited to see Birch getting recognition! Just a note - it’s located in Milwaukee, WI.

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Thanks so much Kat. I KNOW Birch is in Milwaukee - and don't know how that happened!

Kyle spent a lot of time telling us how much he loves living there. And where is my fact-checker when I need him?

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I think you meant the gazpacho vinegar for the salad dressing. Either way, I will seek these vinegars out...I adore Jose Andres. Thank you for sharing your insights, as always!

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All of this is truly awesome. If only more people were interested in these topics, cooking, eating, and eating together.

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So glad you got to experience the magic of Birch! We are lucky to have the restaurant here, in Milwaukee. Also happening in Milwaukee this weekend, Milwaukee Film is showing Food and Country on Sunday morning. Come back to Milwaukee sometime soon!

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Very well written post Ruth, can't wait to see your movie and read the links to the articles you enclosed.. cheers David

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