What We Talked About When We Talked About Food in 1991

Going through old files, I came upon this speech I wrote in 1991 when I was the food editor of the Los Angeles Times. I'm not even sure where I gave the speech - it was obviously at some sort of conference - but from the vantage point of twenty-five years, it's an interesting artifact.
Seems like such a long time ago. Looking at the paper it's printed on - we didn't use Xerox in those days, but a machine that printed on sprocketed sheets - reminds me that we were still going down to the composing room every day just before the paper went to press. If you had to cut a few lines you took a knife and cut it to fit, then repasted with rubber cement.
In those days the food section of the Los Angeles Times was huge - 2 full sections, often running to sixty or more pages. It was all about advertising, of course; supermarkets were still printing coupons. But looking at these numbers - the section brought in $34 million! - is a stark reminder of how much things have changed.
So, as you will see, has the audience.