Thinking Ahead to the Gift Guide

This year's Gift Guide will begin right after Thanksgiving, but if you want to order this superb fruitcake, it might be a good idea to do it now. The cakes - the small one weighs in at two and three quarters pounds - are made to order from organic ingredients, and even people who hate fruitcake like this one. Full disclosure: Robin McKay, the fantastic fruitcake baker, tested all the recipes for My Kitchen Year, so I'm not exactly unprejudiced. She's a wonderful cook, a great baker - and these fruitcakes are really special. I just sent off my order for a few friends, and it occurred to me that I might mention it to you. And now I have. Details: the fruitcake is made in small batches with organic currants, flame raisins, sultanas, figs, dates, apricots, candied orange, lemon peel, almonds, and hazelnuts. The ingredients are organic and locally sourced: even the eggs come from the coop next door. The flour is organic, the ginger is fresh, the butter cultured. Brown sugar, baking powder, powdered ginger, nutmeg, and sea salt are all organic. The Germain-Robin Craft brandy is made in small batches, but it is not organic. Well-wrapped, the cakes last a couple of months. But they won't.