Perfect Way to Roast a 7 Bone Prime Rib
No muss, no fuss. But few recipes give you the timing for a roast weighing 15 or 16 pounds. And if you've invested in a roast this large, you don't want to take any chances.
Remove the roast from the refrigerator two hours before serving, shower it with salt and allow it to come to room temperature.
Preheat the oven to 275 degrees.
Ovens vary. So does meat. So start checking the temperature of the meat after about two and a quarter hours. At this point the middle of the roast should measure about 115. Keep checking until the roast reaches 120 degrees. This will give you rare meat in the middle, medium at the ends. (I like really rare meat; if you don't, allow the roast to reach 125.) Despite what you'll read elsewhere, and despite the enormous size of this roast, it should not take more than 3 hours to get your meat to the perfect point.
Allow the roast to rest, out of the oven, half an hour before carving.
Easy horseradish sauce.
Mix half a bottle of prepared horseradish into a cup of sour cream. Add a splash of fresh lemon juice, taste, add more if you like, along with salt and pepper.