Gift Guide: For Your Sugar

I've written about this fantastic apple cider syrup before; it's among my most useful pantry ingredients. A splash added to a pan of sauteed vegetables (shredded brussels sprouts, for instance), along with a little bit of soy or fish sauce, imparts instant character.
At Thanksgiving I used cider syrup in place of 2/3 of the corn syrup in my pecan pie. The result was spectacular; instead of cloying sweetness the syrup added a touch of acidity and a hint of apple. It was, hands down, the best pecan pie I've ever made.
That gave me an idea; why not play around with alternate sugar sources? I've always kept a variety of vinegars on hand; now my cupboard contains an equally large wardrobe of sugar syrups. If you're stumped about what to give a curious cook, a quick trip to the supermarket - or even better a specialty food shop - should give you a wide range to choose from. A syrup collection would make a thoughtful and unusual present.
Herewith, a few suggestions beyond the obvious honey, maple and agave syrups.