First Lady
Where's Melania?
Isn't it strange that she turns out to be the least likely First Lady in history to opt out of the traditional role? For much of American history brilliant and successful women (think Eleanor, Hillary and Michelle) have resigned themselves to being the power behind the throne, becoming Everybody's Mom for the duration.
Suddenly we have a woman with no career to give up, simply opting out of the role and declaring independence. One more paradox of the Trump era. It's going to be fascinating to watch.
What would a traditional First Lady be doing right now? Giving tours of the white house, taking charge of official entertaining, redecorating the family quarters, choosing a new chef and deciding which plates to use at state dinners.
Not to mention presiding over the upcoming Easter Egg Roll, which draws some 35,000 people. The tradition dates to the 1870s and Rutherford B. Hayes. Legend has it that when a group of egg-rolling children were shooed away from a neighboring lawn, he invited them to come to the White House on the following morning. When the guards opened the gates, the children had multiplied.
Here's a picture of the roll during the JFK years from "Entertaining in the White House."

This one's undated:
And while we're talking White House rolls, I couldn't miss the opportunity to share this rather strange recipe from Lou Henry Hoover: