Deadwood, Take Two
You were all so interested in the Pioneer Cookbook that I want to share a few more details from the Deadwood Centennial Cookbook. Together they weave a fascinating portrait of life on the frontier.
First, some old-fashioned vinegar making. Don't worry; if you're confused by one of the ingredients...
...this 1928 Farmers' Bulletin from the U.S. Department of Agriculture has you covered:
These "bees" were something you'd order by mail, as you would kefir grains. From the USDA's tone, it seems they were possibly problematic.
And here's a wonderful way to use up leftover rice. (Not exactly gluten-free....)
Finally, an amazing picture of the Wong family in Deadwood. I'm sorry to say that the book includes no recipes gleaned from the city's Chinatown.